The testers should decide and assign python user stories and regression performance checking out among themselves that want to be performance tested. The functionality tester also needs to speak to python product owner to drive python functionality acceptance criteria for python certain user thoughts in terms python response time. In every sprint, daily stand ups play python very vital role, as it gives a chance for team participants to let python Scrum Master and team members know about python development and issues they’re facing of their everyday work. The general period for python sprint varies from 2 to 4 weeks. However, it may be more or lower than this normal period based upon python nature python python task. As shown in python figure above, functionality or response time checking out at code, function and integrated system level are looking to be carried out in parallel within python sprint. ,,REason,,is,,,the,,FC,,calculates,,the,,acceleration,,compensation,,to,,drive,,a,,normal,,servo,,gimbal,,and,,gives,,input,,in accordance,,to,,the,,accelerations,,on,,the,,3,,axis. ,,This,,cage,,adds,,easy,,access,,to,,the,,battery,,permitting,,you,,to,,change,,it,,without,,doing away with,,the,,camera,,from,,the,,cage. ,,This,,,,cage,,,,adds,,,,easy,,,,access,,,,to,,,,the,,,,battery,,,,enabling,,,,you,,,,to,,,,substitute,,,,it,,,,with out,,,,doing away with,,,,the,,,,camera,,,,from,,,,the,,,,cage. ,,,,CNC,,Machined,,from,,aluminum,,this,,cage,,is,,light,,weight,,and,,very,,strong. read,,more,,. ,,If,,,,there,,,,is,,,,a,,,,need,,,,to,,,,push,,,,,,,,the,,,,power,,,,atmosphere,,,,a,,,,bit,,,,extra,,,,to,,,,get,,,,same,,,,torque,,,,on,,,,32kHz,,,,than,,,,on,,,,8,,,,kHz,,,,,its,,,,as a result of,,,,a,,,,tweak,,,,is,,,,used,,,,to,,,,drive,,,,the,,,,motor.