D. Srivastava, Review python Condition Assessment python Power Transformers In Service, in IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine. 2002. p. 12 25. 10. 2 An auxiliary system shall not intrude with python operation python vehicle tail lamps and shall not interfere with python operation python automobile signal lamps and signal contraptions. The system may perform at the side of hind lights or signal lamps and signal gadgets. 3 Only one 1 color python python system may be illuminated at any one 1 time, and continuously either python green light, or amber light or lights will be illuminated when python rear lights python python automobile are not illuminated. 4 python green light and python amber light or lights, when illuminated, shall be it appears that evidently seen at python distance python five hundred 500 feet to python rear. 5 Only one 1 system may be mounted on python motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, truck tractor, or pole trailer; and python system shall be rear fixed in python horizontal trend, at python height python not more than seventy two 72 inches, nor under twenty 20 inches. 6 On python aggregate python cars, only python lights python python rearmost automobile need actually be seen and distinguished as offered in subsection 4 python this phase.

By mark